A View of Ukraine, Cold War II, and the Sad End of Empires

Phil Butler
8 min readJan 29, 2022


Will there be a happy ending for America and the world? Jeff Sullivan

No wiggle room. The diplomacy of my country is based on a Wall Street, shyster lawyer mentality. The current Ukraine situation is a perfect example. Our leaders, prodded by the corporate elites who stand behind the curtain, created this situation. It’s a scenario where Russia must react as predicted. And then the narrative portrays the Russians as the instigators. The coming Cold War II, will usher in a brief era of American prosperity, followed by the inevitable. Things cannot go back. And we cannot go forward without dynamic change.

In 2013/2014 the United States instigated a coup d’etat in Kiev’s Maidan Square. My friends and contacts were there. Many were participants in the civil war in the Donbass region. Others lived on the Crimea peninsula where so few western media professionals have bothered to venture. But the famous director and producer Oliver Stone has already told the story.

Now, with the Neocons back in the White House, the plan to encircle Russia and squeeze her leader Valdimir Putin is back in full swing. NATO is on the move again, and on the doorstep of the Russians. President Joe Biden has his marching orders from the military industrial complex. And the media that is owned by the same people who make the missiles, is complicit. Foreign Affairs author Angela Stent reveals the overall plan in her latest. “The Putin Doctrine:

A Move on Ukraine Has Always Been Part of the Plan,” rehashes an old narrative. What else would a professor of government and foreign service at Georgetown University regurgitate? Would the director of its Center for Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies be a Putin fan? Stent formerly a US State Department National Intelligence Officer for Russia and Eurasia. Of course, everything is Russia’s fault. Every think tank in Washington says so too.

I can’t launch into a research on how many Fullbright scholars here. But each and every one is telling us that Russia and Putin are evil, and that the United States must lead the world in straightening them out. These people make their living, get their fame, publish their books, all based and dependent on the flawed idea that Russians are our enemy. One look at the Eurasia Foundation, which Professor Stent is a trustee of, reveals the whole sorted list of partners against the Russians.

Our old friend George Soros is there, Royal Dutch Shell too, as was Yukos Oil when this document was published. But proving what’s going on is childsplay. Showing how the western elites were trying to carve up Russia like a giant blue whale before Putin took over is just a Google search endeavor. The problem with this new Cold War rising is, nobody in my country cares.

In 2015 me and my colleagues in Germany and Ukraine discovered that a so-call “Kill List” was created to target anyone sympathizing with Russia. As you can see, we isolated a NATO server where the domain was parked. Even with such damning evidence that the United States and allies were on the offensive, nobody much cared.

America is the Matrix. The people might as well be hooked up to feeding machines like those cocoons in the famous Keanu Reeves flick. Let’s face it, one in one hundred thousand people in the world, not only in the United States, would swallow the red pill. As long as John or Jane Doe thinks the steak is sumptuous, juicy, and tasty! Well, he or she could care less if a meal is made of cardboard, or computer code for that matter. Every friend I have in the United States, and I am not unpopular, fits nicely into the caricatures I am drawing here. Every, single, one of several hundred people.

A simple illustration of Plato’s “Cave” — JohnD’Alembert

I do not count “Facebook friends” here. I am talking about people who probably were forced to learn about Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” either in high school, or certainly in college. They are willingly imprisoned in that cave. They welcome the warmth of the fire that paints their shadowy world on its walls. Americans could care less if Vladimir Putin vaporized Ukraine with 1,000 nuclear warheads. That is, if those mysterious “interests of the United States of America” presidents refer to are not interfered with. Those “interests” include, and my college colleagues are not so stupid, include us being an empire.

In 2014 UNICEF was delivering aid to people in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine in bomb shelters. It seems important to note, that the separatists fighting for their language and their lives, they did not have an air force to drop bombs with. UNICEF/Ukraine/2014

What’s going on is abundantly clear. Unfortunately, the majority of my countrymen are otherwise distracted. Or, perhaps just misinformed? But, I think they just plain don’t care what happens overseas. As long as Walmart stays open and their gas prices don’t climb too high. Look. It’s all out front. CNN reported just the other day how “In late December, the Biden administration quietly authorized an additional $200 million in security assistance to Ukraine.” But for the average American sending arms to help those poor Ukrainians defend themselves against a tyrant, it’s the only just thing to do. This is the fact of this matter of a looming World War III. The question is, “How can we stop the war if nobody cares?”

As I suggested, unless it involves the “Me” in the “Me Generation” — Anthony Crider

The answer, my friends and countrymen, is that somehow you have to be able to see why forcing Vladimir Putin into attacking Ukraine will adversely affect you. For Americans, or Albanians for that matter, to genuinely give a shit about Russia’s security concerns, we have to see how it affects us. What will war with Russia mean? How will my beautiful American Dream be altered? Our empire will fail, just like all the others. So just plug yourself into the Fall of Rome, the lost Minoans, or what happened when Napoleon messed up. For now, let me lay out for you what I think will happen in the next few days. I may be wrong, but I believe some version of this will come to pass shortly.

The United States will not back Ukraine if the Russians are forced to take over their territory. The Russians will need a buffer between themselves and the NATO military alliance. And this time Ukraine’s unfortunate people will pay. The “mission” is not to start a shooting war. The mission, and the only way the west has of continuing to suppress the Russian economy, is to restart the Cold War. Biden and his handlers will continue to point the finger at Russia. Underneath, they’ll create a series of warlike gestures, so that the only move Putin has left is to launch an offensive. They will have already implicated Putin. When he does, the same propaganda machine that sells Americans $2,000 dollar smartphones will kick with massive effect. Europe will demand the Nordstream pipeline be cut. NATO will be a hot commodity again. The military industrial vampires in America will go NUTs developing still more deadly killing machines.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin in a videoconference with the CSTO Collective Security Council — Kremlin

And, in the genius minds of Pentagon experts, a kind of Renaissance will take place. Generals will once again be presidents! America will be oh so mighty, and young boys and girls will flock to wear the new rainbow colored uniforms of democracy. Russia and China, with Iran, the CIS, North Korea, Venzuela, Cuba, Guatemala, and some others in tow, will be back to 1989. That is, in the gigantic brains of the Washington think tanks. The only problem is, the roles of this coming Cold War will be reversed. When Putin has to protect his borders by taking over most of Ukraine, he won’t be mired down like in Afghanistan. The west will be in the mire because the western oligarchs have already depleted everything that matters.

A sort of “honeymoon” will take place in western societies after Cold War II starts. Already sanctioned to the max, the Russians will finally give up on Europe altogether. For a time, that is. The relationships east of the Black Sea will matter most. And the world will once again be multipolar. Americans will prosper again, for a little while. Missiles and bombs and guns and ships and logistics will rejuvenate bases at home, in NATO, and far abroad. Gas will be subsidized even more than it is already. The strategic reserves being fracked out of North America will generate gigantic profits for our oligarchs. Europe will be a true satrap then. Totally dependent on the US for just about everything. You see, don’t you? It’s actually an evil genius plan! There’s only one problem. Yes, his name is Vladimir, but that’s not the problem I am talking about here.

Try to imagine it all grinding too a halt if our leaders miscalculate — joiseyshowaa

If the globalists miscalculate. If the west cannot outlast Russia, China, and the rest in another economic war, the shelves in Hoboken will end up bare as those in a Kyiv ghetto. The gas lines will not exist, because nobody will be driving cars anymore. Try to imagine our country as a speeding locomotive powered by a humongous steam engine. The future is full of twists and turns, we’ve destroyed the climate, for God’s sake! And we will eventually scavenge all the furniture on the train to stoke the steam engine boiler. Our country will screech to a halt. America’s engine of democracy will stop rolling. We will stop like a square wheel on the uphill of a new Cold War nobody can afford. As for the Russians? Hell, anybody can tell you most Ruskies will out-survive bugs if Armageddon happens. They’re born desperate but happy.

We aren’t so tough. Not anymore. Sure, we could do this, or can do that. But, we won’t. Because we never were allowed to. Korea. Vietnam. Afghanistan. As kids were used to joke that Johnny or Jim could not “beat their way out of a wet paper bag.” A futile bully, a braggart, somebody too big for his britches — this is what we allowed our fine nation to become. And now a pipsqueak of a president, a man who cannot stay awake long enough to open the nuclear briefcase, is acting all tough with Putin. And the poor people of Ukraine are about to pay dearly. Doesn’t someone always pay dearly for the American Dream? Personalizing the whole process, my sons and daughters, their sons and daughters in the U.S., will witness the fall of an empire. It does not matter that it could have been a bright one. The darkness is the darkness.

The “Putin Doctrine” — now really. The plans we see taking shape are not from Russia. The situation is not even doctrine, it’s a final gamble, a last gasp, at keeping things the way they are. The last blue pills are being handed out, before the supply chain is interrupted, and reality sinks in for all people. Putin is smart, sure. What I am typing here, he already knows. There’s a reason for his apparent calm in most circumstances. The end game ends up being the same. We either all die, or finally Russia and the rest of the world get their legitimacy. We took the wrong turn. Followed the wrong advice. And soon our children will pay the ultimate price of our failure. One way or another.

And this is why I dissent.



Phil Butler
Phil Butler

Written by Phil Butler

A journalist, analyst, husband, father, and animal lover. I am semi-retired now, and living on Crete island.

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