When the Demoralized Peacelovers Give Up — It Will Be War

Phil Butler
6 min readFeb 13, 2022


I woke up, finally. There is no way to convince you of a reality I have come to know. Everyone already “knows,” what they already know. From wherever you gained your own insight, whatever your predilections, whichever way the world will go, you’ve made up your mind. And now I feel helpless and stupid, demoralized for having tried to change anyone’s views, and to have failed so miserably. Truth is relative, even if everything we were ever taught says otherwise.

Filming an interview on the Syria situation for Russia One TV from Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany in 2016

Russia will eventually have to invade Ukraine. All Vladimir Putin can do is play straight, and not let it become a Pearl Harbor dastardly affair. The cupboards (and gas tanks) in America and the UK cannot become bare. So, the powers that need Russia out of the way can only be defeated if they are wrong. Oh, I forgot, many in this audience do not know what Pearl Harbor was. What I am saying (advising) Mr. Putin, is that an unmistakable warning must be given, instead of a surprise attack on a would-be new NATO member.

Putin’s most recent Tweet was a meeting with the President of neighbor and ally Belarus’ Alexander Lukashenko. No doubt there was some talk on the inevitability of a strike from Ukraine’s northern border. Contingencies being what they must be, you know. Later today, I expect the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to ban Kamila Valieva from competing in the event she was born to win. The brightest figure skater in the world, a 15-year-old sensation like none before, will be banished like a downcast angel. What a shame.

The incomparable Kamila Valieva — considered by many to be the greatest female skater of all time

The whole affair, like all the other Russia bashing incidents, wreaks like a sunny day at the fish market. America good — Russia bad — this is how my countrymen like it — simple, and with a hint of piety. The propaganda has worked, you see? The average U.S. citizen “knows” Vladimir Putin is so evil he could be responsible for anything and everything. Wow! What kind of power is in this?

“God created war so that Americans would learn geography.” ― Mark Twain

To continue. When I share this story on Facebook or Twitter, someone will come and say I cannot prove Putin is not the villainous killer they (the elites) say he is. The fact that the Russia haters cannot prove he is, is irrelevant. Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? Well, we never really believed any of that mumbo-jumbo anyhow. Whatever happens with Valieva, the Olympic Games are done. WADA, the fanatical power grubbers, the vested industry, they defiled all sports long ago.

As for Ukraine? The Ukrainians? I feel so sorry for them. Sorry that my country, the United States of America, would sacrifice foreign people again just to satisfy America’s greed for the easy life. Thousands and thousands will die at the end of all this. We will all pay, one way or another. And just like all the other wars for profit, the news cycle or a Super Bowl will shift the focus.

The ominous-looking Russian military base in Gyumri, Armenia — Another proof the pesky Russians are out for world domination. The EU has complained about this base because it stands in the way of western investments and reforms. (CC 3.0 by billert)

The real tragedy will be the fatherless children. Reporting on the Euromaidan made me bitter from seeing all the babies and beauty queens blown to bits. But, the broader shame will be because we could have all done so much more if we’d tried to be friends. America and Russia as pals! Imagine that. What about that as a potential for a better world? But bombs and missiles left on the shelf won’t make a Rothschild or a Bezos another billion richer. At least they can’t imagine it, in their feeble, twisted, and mediocre little minds.

Genius, you see, does not come into play where being devious and selling your soul is what matters. Getting filthy rich and staying there is not such a trick. All one really has to do is lie, cheat, steal, and point the finger at somebody else when the police arrive. And no, my friends, neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden gives a pauper’s damn about you and me. But I forgot. Sorry, you believe they do.

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” ― Albert Einstein

Tomorrow, or the next day, it will be announced that Team USA will get the gold medal from Beijing in 2022. Japan will take silver, and I guess Canada will slide in with bronze. Sometime next week, I’ll bet a bomb will go off somewhere on the frontiers of Russia, or someone will open fire on a plane, school bus, or something like that. The frenzy Washington is whipping up, its increased velocity, warns me a lot of somebodies are about to die. And it’s not a premonition, it’s history. Every big war (cold or hot) started like that. World War I. World War 2. Korea. Vietnam. Iraq and Afghanistan. There are no exceptions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin in a session of CSTO Collective Security Council (Kremlin)

President Joe Biden is stuck in rewind mode. All he is being told to say is that America will harm Russia really badly if they “continue their aggressive behavior.” In Russia, top officials and ordinary people wonder if they should just disappear off Earth, in order not to appear threatening! Oh, sorry. I am appealing to your sense of logic and fair play. I know this won’t work. Excuse me for trying again to show that we are the aggressive ones.

“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?” ― Mahatma Gandhi

We do have 750 military facilities in 80 nations, and when last I heard, the military’s job is to kill enemies. In our ‘so-called” War on Terror, we’ve wasted some $8 trillion dollars to accomplish absolutely nothing. The world is not a safer place. The Taliban are back in charge of Afghanistan. And NATO getting Gadaffi killed scattered millions of refugees across Europe. There. The final note in my last-ditch effort to convince even one of you. Think what you will. It will be okay. If America holds on to her empire a bit longer, the historians will erase your compliance and name it patriotism. Just keep consuming. Do your thing. We all die in the end anyway, right?

An American spy satellite image of Russia’s Sary Shagan radar station in Kazakhstan from May 1967 — The dilapidated base is pretty much the same today, only a lot rustier. (Public domain)

Oh, last, last, final thing, I swear. Russia has 9 bases outside her borders if I count correctly. These are located mostly in bordering lands formerly part of the U.S.S.R. But our leaders will tell you they are very, very, very aggressive bases indeed.

“If you win, you need not have to explain…If you lose, you should not be there to explain!” ― Adolf Hitler



Phil Butler
Phil Butler

Written by Phil Butler

A journalist, analyst, husband, father, and animal lover. I am semi-retired now, and living on Crete island.

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